Snow Sculptures

Did you know I have this thing for sculpting snow?


Right around the first of the year in 2011 I sculpted a horse,
and then
a bear beside it...

January 2011 horse and bear
Then, it was quite a while before the snow was warm and soft enough here to actually DO anything with it...
other than pile it up...which I did.


Then slowly but surely,

 it became an angel. First with hands open...but then on Feb.14th 2011, the weather was perfect for building with snow.

So then I brought the hands together, and had her holding a heart.

Later I found out you can (of course!) put a Candle in her hands.

Her wingspan was 25 feet wide,
but she was only ever 12 feet tall.

The Halo's are made from long water balloons by the way, and if you want to get a laugh, try filling a few of these with water.
I'll post more of the back history of my snowsculpting later, when I have more time...

After the angel melted and was just a blob- I remember John and I, had so much fun while we built a spring snowsculpture, in the style of Calvin and Hobbes...


2012 was a mild winter.

But I still built a snow bank creature with it's teeth to the  snowmobile trail:

(p.s.this door is 3 feet off the ground)

I always hope you are all having a safe and wonderful winter.
