Monday, July 18, 2011

I like the title,

The title was one of 6 excellent ideas my witty brother had
 when I begged for his input. I didn't want my name prominent,  I want it to be about the art.
I didn't want to call it my art, because maybe sometimes it's just about life....maybe that's all art is: life.

Gypsies and Gesso...
I mean no offense to the wonderful people who are blessed with the Gypsy blood. As a kid, I wanted to be a Gypsy Fortune-teller every year for Halloween. Maybe that's why my brother thought of Gypsies.   I want to be as deeply wise, brave, and often Magical  as a Gypsy in the old tales.

What did the stories of Gypsies teach me?
To own the whole world by knowing what's really important,
...even when I don't have a dime.
To belong to this earth, drink it in, feeling sorry for myself.

Gesso, now that's brilliant because it is the primer, the white ground, the blank canvas before you paint anything on it.
...RIPE with possiblities!
That's how this feels.

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